I don't know who I am anymore. This isn't a metaphor for feeling disaffected and having an identity crisis, I mean it quite literally.
I. Don't. Know. Who. I. Am.
I can remember much of my life. I can remember my friends, my family, that i worked in IT security (which is likely the only reason this is getting out.) And i remember my co-workers.
But I don't remember any names, at all. Especially not my own. I remember who the president is, and it think the date might be sometime in November of 2011. I don't remember his name either.
And I am only guessing the date, because I have lost count of the number days here, and I am not sure they keep the lights on/ lights off cycle consistent anyway, but I think it has been 3 months or so since someone zapped me with a stun gun as I was leaving my office in mid August.
He, and I am only fairly certain it was a he, did not wear a mask or conceal his identity in any way, i am even sure that I knew him, or shit, maybe her. But I can't remember why I think so.
Clearly, someone has been fucking with my brain.
I was taken right outside my office, under a security camera in the city of.... Windbag, no, Dailytown. The targeted aphasia even affects remembering the name of the city I was taken from.
Where am I now? I wish i knew. On a macro scale, I guess I am still on... Um "Dirt" is all I can come up with right now. But at least this time it is a straight synonym, and I think that one will come back to me. But damned if I know what country, let alone city I might be in, or even how to name it if I did know.
On a micro scale, it is a suite of rooms, Bathroom has a fairly luxurious shower with built in liquid soad dispensers, andspray noxxles that i can adjust to hit me from all sides, the water teperature seem to be fairly constant, just short of uncomfortably hot. It also has autoshutoff sensors if the drain is blocked or I am not in it. As I discovered early on while trying to sabotage things to try to bring forth another human presence.
The toilet looks like the kind of thing i have seen in prison movies, stainless steel with a sink mounted where the tank would be at on one in a home. And I could not, no matter how hard I tried, stop that damned thing up. Same string of sabotage attempts, same reason.
There is also a hopper that every "morning" at lights on delivers Boxers, White, one pair, Tank Top, White, one, athletic socks White, one pair and apparently at random a set of surgical scrubs, solid color (many different so far) or sweat pants and a hoodie in either black or heather grey. All vacuum packed so thin that they come down a chute I can barely fit my hand into.
There is also a laundry or maybe disposal chute That i can fit my forarm into, but no more, it has a vacuum assist that sucks the clothes, or whatever else i put in there down whenever there is enough to make a passable seal.
There is also a pressure washer wand with enough hose on a reel to reach the entire suite, and thank God, considering how far I ended up going in my little attempt at gaining my captor's attention. The hose doesn't seem to kink and nothing I had access to was able to cut it.
Through a sliding glass door is the bed area, the bed is one of those "memoryfoam" matresses in twin size on what seems t be a twin size shelf extruded from the wall, one end of the mattress has a much thicker lump that acts as a pillow. This is on the left as I exit the bathroom, on the right is an extruded shelf with a wireless mouse and keyboard thedisplay is behind the wall at a transparent bit. There is no apparent seam. The mouse and keyboard are apparetly rechargeable through an induction unit in the extruded shelf. They are also damn close to indestructible. I haven't managed it anyway. There is also a dispenser on this wall thatprovides vacuum packed sheets every three days at about 15 minutes before lights out. disposal of the dirties is through the chute in the bathroom. Or the toilet, damn I wonder if that thing is on the market. About the only things it would't take were the mouse and keyboard. The keyboard wouldn't fit, and I swear it spit the mouse back at me, nailed me in the forehead.
Shit, the load of sheets just came in... the computer goes into lockdown at lights out. I'm going to post this as is and describe the rest of my little home in the "morning" And i tell you what little else i knw about the state i'm in. I hope this works, i managed to punchthrough the firewalls and create the fucking blog, lets see if i can actually post to it.
{edit added by the people holding this asshole: He's not as smart as he thinks he is. And he will not be reading this edit or any references to it. He hasn't mentioned WHY he was taken and immured in that cage. It's because he is a toxic asshole. One of all too many in this world, but he is among the worst that we could get to. He is a coward and a hypocrite ad locking him away from polite society is the best thing we could manage to do with his ilk.
Oh, he hasn't broken any laws per se, If he had we would let the law take care of him. He was however a brown noser and backstabber at his work, nowhere near as competent as he claims he also tended to steal credit, and his mainjob in"IT security" was finding ways to cut the budget and pass the costs of breaches to consumers.
We allow this blog to exist as a warning to others like him, we are out there and if someone is enough of a poisonous fool to catch our attention they will be joining him.
The time discrepancy is something for the student to explain.}
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And a quick WTF before lights out... the date is all wrong by about 2 and a half years! Shit, they must be fucking with me still. I'm mazed hey let me see ANY date, but more on tha